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    Weekly Plan

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    Weekly Plan - Empty - Day to a Page [v2]

    A 6 page Weekly Plan. Each day is shown on a separate page, with a Notes page on page 6. There are no period or recess/lunch breaks on this layout. The main part of the day is one large block. There is no Notes column on the right hand page.
    Diaries using this Weekly Plan will be printed on 120gsm paper, as opposed to the regular 160gsm paper.

    Weekly Plan - Empty - Day to a Page [v3]

    A 6 page Weekly Plan. Each day is shown on a separate page, with a Notes page on page 6. There are no before/after school, period or recess/lunch breaks on this layout. The main part of the day is one large block. There is no Time column on the left hand page, and no Notes column on the right hand page.
    Diaries using this Weekly Plan will be printed on 120gsm paper, as opposed to the regular 160gsm paper.

    Weekly Plan - Empty - Day to a Page [v4]

    A 6 page Weekly Plan. Each day is shown on a separate page, with a Notes page on page 6. There are no before school, period or recess/lunch breaks on this layout. The main part of the day is split into two columns: Teacher & Exec. There is no Time column on the left hand page, and no Notes column on the right hand page.
    Diaries using this Weekly Plan will be printed on 120gsm paper, as opposed to the regular 160gsm paper.

    Weekly Plan - Full Week [v1]

    A two page weekly planner showing each day horizontally, with each Mon - Wed on left, Thu - Sun on right, with Sat & Sun side by side. Each day is split into hours from 8am - 5pm.

    Weekly Plan - Full Week [v2]

    A two page weekly planner showing each day horizontally, with each Mon - Wed on left, Thu - Sun on right, with Sat & Sun side by side. Each day is split into hours from 8am - 5pm.

    Weekly Plan - Primary School

    A 2 page Weekly Plan intended for Primary School. There is a morning, middle and afternoon session, separated by Recess and Lunch.