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    Get 65% off 2021 Teacher Diaries -Saturday, 18 September 2021
    Get 65% off your 2021 Teacher Diary. Click on Details for more information.
    Get 40% off 2020 Teacher Diaries -Saturday, 18 July 2020
    Get 40% off your 2020 Teacher Diary. Click on Details for more information.
    New Essentials Diary Size -Saturday, 21 September 2019
    We're very happy to announce the introduction of a new 'Essentials' Diary Size. Click on Details for more information.

    Get 65% off 2019 Teacher Diaries -Saturday, 21 September 2019
    Get 65% off your 2019 Teacher Diary. Click on Details for more information.
    New Scenery Designs -Friday, 13 September 2019
    We're very excited to announce a huge number of new designs - 31 in all! The new designs are mostly photos of some beautiful scenery. Click on Details for more information.

    Get 40% off 2019 Teacher Diaries -Thursday, 8 August 2019
    Get 40% off your 2019 Teacher Diary. Click on Details for more information.